How to Select a Safety Training Provider

Selecting a safety training in Hyderabad provider can be a difficult task, in this article I'll show you how to minimize the chances of getting it wrong. Consider this. It doesn't matter how good the course content is, it doesn't matter how up to date the safety information is, it doesn't matter how much it cost, it doesn't matter how long it takes, it doesn't matter that the handouts are comprehensive; what does matter is the way the information is received by the group members.

As a radical departure from the norm, I suggest you hold an audition. Get three prospective group members together as well as a manager and a supervisor and ask your potential safety training providers to give you a 15 minute demonstration of their training style. I would suggest that within a number of minutes you will have decided those people that you don't want. The thing to look out for is whether or not their presentation is centered on themselves or their group. This can be assessed quite easily by whether or not they decide to find out about the group members first or are they preoccupied with trying to make a good impression to show how clever they are. Some trainers can make safety an incredibly boring subject, others can make it alive, vibrant, memorable and inspiring.

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The choice of training safety training providers is considerable. You can discount most of them because they actually fail at the first hurdle. They do not focus on the results of their training they are much happier promoting "happy comments" from so-called group members. They also fail to give any guarantees about the training so you, as the purchaser, carry all the risk of their failure.

Another tactic to weed out the potential non-performers, is to ask for testimonials about previously successful training programs and the name of the purchaser so that you can follow up and check up on the claims made by the training company. Beware of the safety training company that has salespeople selling on behalf of the trainers. Insist on talking to the person that is going to deliver the training. Explain it clearly and confirm in writing what your objectives are for the training and what results you want and how they are going to be measured. Normally, this approach puts off a lot of training providers because they cannot deliver what you want.

If the training provider has not worked in your business sector ask how they are going to understand the culture and the jargon so they can incorporate that into their training program. Beware of "off-the-shelf" training programs because they have been proved to be the least effective. And this means that they are the most costly because their results are low.

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